PLEASE NOTE: This is official information about graduation and any other information should be disregarded. The university will not be held liable for students following incorrect information. Official graduation communication only comes from the Student Records Office.

Please read this information carefully to ensure a smooth graduation.

Important information about the confer date and the graduation ceremony date

  • Confer Date: This indicates the graduation session that you are eligible to graduate (provided you have no outstanding fees or disciplinaries). Once added as a qualifier on system, the confer date is reflected on your academic record. UCT’s student system records one confer date per graduation session which means that the first date of the graduation session is used for all students and all qualifications.
  • Graduation Ceremony Date: This is the date when the formal graduation ceremony takes place, where you will have the opportunity to celebrate your achievements with friends, family, and fellow graduates. Please note that while the graduation ceremony date may differ from the confer date, it will always occur on or after the confer date and never before.

Please keep this in mind as you prepare for graduation.

Spring 2025 Graduation

Please note that, as per the 2025 graduation notice which has been available since January 2024 under the ‘Notices’ sub-heading on this page’s side-column, only students who are added as qualifiers on system and clear fees by 15 July 2025 are eligible for the Spring 2025 graduation. The Spring 2025 graduation is provisionally scheduled from 8 September 2025 to 12 September 2025. The Spring 2025 graduation information will be available in July 2025.

Autumn 2025 Graduation

Please note that, as per the 2025 graduation notice which has been available since January 2024 under the ‘Notices’ sub-heading on this page’s side-column, only students who are added as qualifiers on system and clear fees by 19 December 2024 are eligible for the Autumn 2025 graduation. The Autumn 2025 graduation is scheduled from 31 March 2025 to 4 April 2025.

The Autumn 2025 graduation ceremonies will take place in the Sarah Baartman Hall for all faculties as follows:

Faculty Date & Time
Commerce 1
Bachelor of Business Science, Bachelor of Business Science in Actuarial Science and all Advanced Diplomas
Monday 31 March at 10h00
Humanities 1
Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Arts in Fine Art, 
Bachelor of Arts in Theatre & Performance and All Postgraduate Diplomas
Monday 31 March at 14h00
Science 1
Bachelor of Science
Monday 31 March at 18h00
Health Sciences 1
All Advanced Diplomas, Higher Certificates, Postgraduate Diplomas, Masters and PhDs
Tuesday 1 April at 10h00
Humanities 2
All Honours, Masters and PhDs
Tuesday 1 April at 14h00
Engineering & the Built Environment 1
All Postgraduate Diplomas, Honours, Masters and PhDs
Tuesday 1 April at 18h00
Commerce 2
All Postgraduate Diplomas
Wednesday 2 April at 10h00
Science 2
All Honours, Masters and PhDs
Wednesday 2 April at 14h00
Health Sciences 2
All Bachelors and Honours
Wednesday 2 April at 18h00
Humanities 3
Bachelor of Social Science surnames A-M and All Postgraduate Certificates
Thursday 3 April at 10h00
Engineering & the Built Environment 2
All Bachelors (BScEng, BSc Construction Studies, BSc Geomatics, BSc Property Studies, BAS)
Thursday 3 April at 14h00
Commerce 3
All Honours, Masters and PhDs
Thursday 3 April at 18h00
Humanities 4
Bachelor of Social Science surnames N-Z
Bachelor of Social Science in Philosophy, Politics and Economics, Bachelor of Music, Bachelor of Social Work, all Diplomas (excl Postgraduate Diplomas) and all Certificates (excl Postgraduate Certificates)
Friday 4 April at 10:00
Commerce 4
Bachelor of Commerce and Bachelor of Commerce in Actuarial Science
Friday 4 April at 14:00
All qualifications
Friday 4 April at 18:00

Check your academic record before 31 January 2025

Log into PeopleSoft and check your Academic Record carefully to ensure that your qualification, any specialisation, award/distinction text and/or your dissertation/thesis title is correct. If it is not, contact your faculty office urgently.
View your Academic Record on PeopleSoft: click on the ‘Academic Records’ tile then click ‘View Academic Record’. Ensure Academic Record Self-Service is the Report Type then click ‘Submit’. Enable pop-ups as the Academic Record will open in a new window.

Check that your name is correct before 31 January 2025

By law, your degree documentation must reflect your full name exactly as recorded on your ID document or passport at the time of graduation.
Check your name on PeopleSoft: click on the ‘Profile’ tile and click on the ‘Names’ link under ‘Personal Details’ to view your full name. Your ‘Primary Name’ is what will appear on your certificate (please note that titles don’t appear on the certificate). You can also view your full name on your Academic Record.
If your name is reflected incorrectly on UCT’s records, please request that your name record is updated by e-mailing a certified copy of your ID document or passport to Do not attempt to update your name record on Peoplesoft yourself.
Should you fail to verify your name and require a corrected certificate to be printed after your graduation you will be charged a fee of R400.00.

Outstanding Fees

If your fee account has not been settled you will not be able to access your academic record or graduate in the Autumn 2025 graduation. Any qualifiers who had outstanding fees, fines, interests or dues as of 19 December 2024 have no guarantee of receiving their qualifications in the Autumn 2025 graduation, and their names will not appear in the graduation programme. Please contact the Fees Office ( if you have any queries regarding your fee account.
Check your fee balance via PeopleSoft by clicking on the ‘Student Finance’ tile and then click ‘View Account Details’. If a payment is made on or near the cut-off date, proof of payment must be forwarded to the Fees Office marked ‘Graduation’, or the payment may not be noted in time. Do not rely on a bursar, sponsor, or employer to make last-minute payments on your behalf, as the Fees Office may not be able to get this credit onto your fee account in time to qualify for graduation.

Settle library and disciplinary matters before 31 January 2025

Ensure that you have a clear library record and owe no library fines or outstanding books. Ensure that you settled all pending disciplinary matters with the Student Disciplinary Tribunal. You will not be permitted to graduate in the Autumn 2025 graduation if you have unpaid disciplinary fines or incomplete community service.

Network access after graduation

Students’ network accounts give them access to UCT services which you will lose access to upon graduation; it is important that you carefully follow the instructions by ICTS on what to do before leaving: Your student email account remains active, which you may continue to use permanently, if you wish. An alias will be created following the format of You may use either this alias or your original student email address.

Support for graduands, staff and guests with disabilities

The Disability Service provides support at all UCT graduation ceremonies. Persons with various disabilities including physical/mobility disabilities, Deaf people who require the services of a South African Sign Language Interpreter, or other disabilities may contact the Disability Service ( no later than 2 weeks before the graduation ceremony to request assistance. Please note that if you do not indicate that you require assistance timeously, the Disability Service will be unable to prioritise your request for assistance on the day of the graduation ceremony as there are limited resources available.

Graduation Documentation

You will receive the following documentation:

  • Your original hard copy certificate and one hard copy of your official transcript.
  • One electronic certificate and one electronic transcript. This will be emailed to your @myuct account after graduation i.e., between 22 April 2025 and 23 May 2025.

If you have not received your electronic documents and don’t follow up within three months, you will only be able to receive an electronic transcript through the Student Records Office. If a certificate received after graduation is subsequently lost, damaged or stolen, graduates may apply for a duplicate certificate through the Student Records Office. The fee for a duplicate certificate is currently R800.

If you will be attending your graduation ceremony

  • Prebook your academic attire through House of Graduates and your photography through Gordon Harris Photographic. You may only wear the gown and hood of the qualification that will be conferred upon you at the graduation ceremony. Wearing gowns and hoods of previous qualifications will not be permitted.
  • Please only wear the academic gown into the Hall. The academic hood will be placed on you on stage during the ceremony. For PhDs, please ensure the tassel of the bonnet is on the right for purposes of the stage photo.
  • You do not need to RSVP or confirm your attendance. Graduates will be issued with 2 guest tickets which must be collected the day before the ceremony as per the schedule below.

The day before your ceremony:

  • Collect your name card, 2 guest tickets, and academic attire from the Molly Blackburn Hall, Otto Beit Building between 09h00 and 18h00 as per the schedule below. No third-party collections will be permitted. You must present a valid photo identity (i.e., SA ID document, passport, drivers licence or student card ) when collecting your tickets.
Faculty Name Card & Academic Attire Collection Date & Time
Commerce 1
Bachelor of Business Science, Bachelor of Business Science in Actuarial Science and all Advanced Diplomas
Friday 28 March 2025
between 09h00 and 18h00
Humanities 1
Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Arts in Fine Art, 
Bachelor of Arts in Theatre & Performance and All Postgraduate Diplomas
Friday 28 March 2025
between 09h00 and 18h00
Science 1
Bachelor of Science
Friday 28 March 2025
between 09h00 and 18h00
Health Sciences 1
All Advanced Diplomas, Higher Certificates, Postgraduate Diplomas, Masters and PhDs
Monday 31 March 2025
between 09h00 and 18h00
Humanities 2
All Honours, Masters and PhDs
Monday 31 March 2025
between 09h00 and 18h00
Engineering & the Built Environment 1
All Postgraduate Diplomas, Honours, Masters and PhDs
Monday 31 March 2025
between 09h00 and 18h00
Commerce 2
All Postgraduate Diplomas
Tuesday 1 April 2025
between 09h00 and 18h00
Science 2
All Honours, Masters and PhDs
Tuesday 1 April 2025
between 09h00 and 18h00
Health Sciences 2
All Bachelors and Honours
Tuesday 1 April 2025
between 09h00 and 18h00
Humanities 3
Bachelor of Social Science surnames A-M and All Postgraduate Certificates
Wednesday 2 April 2025
between 09h00 and 18h00
Engineering & the Built Environment 2
All Bachelors (BScEng, BSc Construction Studies, BSc Geomatics, BSc Property Studies, BAS)
Wednesday 2 April 2025
between 09h00 and 18h00
Commerce 3
All Honours, Masters and PhDs
Wednesday 2 April 2025
between 09h00 and 18h00
Humanities 4
Bachelor of Social Science surnames N-Z
Bachelor of Social Science in Philosophy, Politics and Economics, Bachelor of Music, Bachelor of Social Work, all Diplomas (excl Postgraduate Diplomas) and all Certificates (excl Postgraduate Certificates)
Thursday 3 April 2025
between 09h00 and 18h00
Commerce 4
Bachelor of Commerce and Bachelor of Commerce in Actuarial Science
Thursday 3 April 2025
between 09h00 and 18h00
All qualifications
Thursday 3 April 2025
between 09h00 and 18h00

On the day of your ceremony:

  • Graduands should enter the Sarah Baartman Hall at the side South Entrance wearing their academic attire, with their name cards and ensure that they are seated no later than 30 minutes before the ceremony commences. Please note that no flowers or large bags etc. will be permitted to be kept with you at your seat.
  • Guests should present their tickets at the front entrance to the hall and ensure that they are seated no later than 15 minutes before the ceremony commences. All guests require a ticket, regardless of their age.
  • Promptly 15 minutes before the ceremony commences the procedure for the ceremony will be explained.
  • During the ceremony you will receive your official graduation documentation and have your graduation photographs taken.
  • After the ceremony you may have your group/family pictures taken in the Maths Building.
  • Return your academic attire to the Molly Blackburn Hall no later than 1 hour after your ceremony.

If you will not be attending your graduation ceremony

  • You are not required to RSVP or let us know that you will not be attending.
  • It is not possible to elect to defer your attendance to a future date. If you are not able to attend the graduation ceremony, you will graduate in absentia. No correspondence will be entered into regarding the deferment of graduation.
  • You will be able to collect your certificate from the Student Records Office (Masingene Building, Middle Campus) or request courier delivery via from 14 April 2025 onwards. It will not be possible to receive your certificate before this date under any circumstances.

Useful Contacts

Kindly include Graduation; faculty and student number in the subject field: e.g., Graduation-Commerce XYZXYA001. Always include your full name and student number in correspondence with the University.

Graduation queries:
General enquiries: reg-records



Engineering & the Built Environment:
Health Sciences UG:
Health Sciences PG:
Humanities UG:
Humanities PG:



Frequently Asked Questions

How do I know that I am graduating?
The only way to confirm that you are graduating is to check that your academic record states ‘Qualifies for award of degree’ with the 31/03/2025 confer date. Please note that the confer date must not be confused with the graduation date. UCT’s student system records one confer date per session which means that one date is used for all students and all qualifications. The actual date on which a student graduates might differ. The schedule of graduation ceremonies is published at the top of this webpage.

How do I RSVP?
You are not required to RSVP or indicate your attendance. If you are attending, please follow the instructions above under ‘If you will be attending your graduation ceremony.’

How do I request a formal invitation to be used for visa purposes or to request time off from my employer?
Invitation letters may be requested from Kindly note that there is a turnaround period, therefore please submit your requests timeously.

How do I request extra tickets?
If you are attending the ceremony, you will be issued with 2 guest tickets. It is not possible to receive additional tickets. It is not possible to request the tickets of someone who will not be attending the ceremony. No correspondence will be entered into regarding the request for additional tickets.

Are children allowed to attend the ceremony?
Yes. Please note that all guests require a ticket, regardless of their age.

Where do I collect my tickets and academic attire?
Collect your tickets and academic attire from the Molly Blackburn Hall, Otto Beit Building the day before your ceremony as per the table above. No third party collections will be permitted. Ensure that you present a valid form of photo identity (SA ID document, passport, drivers licence or student card) when collecting your tickets.

How long will the ceremony be?
We are unable to confirm the exact duration. You can expect the ceremony to be approximately 2 hours in duration.

Will the ceremony be livestreamed?
Yes. The graduation ceremony will be livestreamed from the UCT website and social media channels.

Can I attend the ceremony and receive my certificate if I have outstanding fees?
No. Students with outstanding fees are not permitted to graduate or receive their academic documents. Once you have settled your outstanding fees, you will be allocated to the next graduation session.

Is it possible to receive my certificate before the ceremony?
Legally, it is not possible to receive your certificate before the qualification has been conferred upon you at the graduation ceremony (in person or in absentia). A qualification confirmation letter is available for download via PeopleSoft Self-Service to use in place of the certificate in the interim.

Can I request electronic copies of my academic documents?
Electronic copies of your certificate and transcript will be emailed to your @myuct email address between 22 April 2025 and 23 May 2025.

Can my electronic graduation documents be sent to my personal email address?
No. Official communication may only be sent to your @myuct email address. Please ensure that you retain access to this mailbox.

Can I postpone my ceremony?
It is not possible to elect to defer your attendance to a future date. If you are not able to attend the graduation ceremony, you will graduate in absentia. No correspondence will be entered into regarding the deferment of graduation.

Will I still have access to my @myuct email address after graduation?
Yes. Please follow the instructions on the ICTS website to ensure that you retain your email access:


Graduation archive